Although more and more people are starting to reap the benefits of cosmetic surgery, your first time is always daunting. Even though the taboos of getting a little help from a clinic are fading away, we never forget that it’s still a surgical procedure.
It goes without saying that our clinic has a comprehensive pre-surgery procedure which ensures that our clients are fully aware of what they’re about to go through, whatever the procedure, but here are the key points;
Will I need to come off my medication beforehand?
When you arrive at your consultation, we will need a list of the medications which you are currently being prescribed. We will either give you the all-clear for the procedure, or refer you to your GP, who will tell you if it’s OK to step down on certain medications beforehand.
What medicine-cabinet products can I still use beforehand?
Anti-inflammatory medicines are a complete no-no for two weeks before your procedure. That includes aspirin or medications that contain aspirin, Alka-Selzer, Excedrin, Nurofen, Ibuprofen etc. If you need to use painkillers, you can use Paracetamol.
Vitamins or alternative medicines that cause clotting – such as Vitamin E, ginseng, St. Johns Wort and Gingko Boloba – are also to be avoided for two weeks, unless the practitioner has approved their use. Bottom line: whatever you’re taking, we need to know about it.
What if I put on weight?
It’s massively important that you keep an eye on your weight and diet before the surgery: your practitioner has already drawn up a plan of action based on what you looked like during the consultation, and any gain in weight can not only affect the results, but can increase any potential risks during surgery. If you have gained more than five pounds since the consultation, the procedure may have to be cancelled.
What if I get ill before the procedure?
If you experience a cold or an infection during the two-week period before the procedure, you must contact us and let us know. We can then decide if the procedure can go ahead on the date agreed, or if it needs to be put off until you have fully recovered.