Inverted Nipple Correction
Consultations offered at our five convenient locations in Harley Street, London, Princess Margaret Hospital, (Windsor), Spire Thames Valley, (Gerrards Cross), Kings' Oak Hospital, (Enfield) and Refresh Medispa, (Amersham)

Inverted nipples are more common than many women think, with 10 to 20% of women being affected. Correcting inverted nipples is a relatively quick procedure that usually provides satisfactory results.
- 1 Before and After Photos
- 2 At a Glance
- 3 Benefits
- 4 Expectations
- 5 FAQ
- 5.1 Are inverted nipples a cause for concern?
- 5.2 Is it possible to breastfeed after inverted nipple correction surgery?
- 5.3 What is the recovery like after inverted nipple correction surgery?
- 5.4 Is there any scarring after inverted nipple correction?
- 5.5 Will nipple sensation be lost after inverted nipple correction?
Before and After Photos
At a Glance
- Duration: 30 mins
- Daycase / Overnight: Daycase
- Type of Anaesthetic: LA
- Bra / Garment to be worn for: None
- Return to Work (depending on job): Next day
- Return to Gym: 1 week
Inverted nipple correction surgery aims to address nipples that point inwards or lay flat against the areola. This can be the result of genetics and be present from birth or can develop later on in life, after pregnancy, breastfeeding or an infection. They can have a significant effect on self-esteem and leave women lacking in body confidence in intimate moments.
A newly inverted nipple can be a symptom of breast cancer and must be checked out by a breast specialist as quickly as possible.

There are a number of different techniques that Maisam Fazel employs. Usually an incision is made at the base of the nipple. The milk ducts are then separated or stretched, with internal stitches placed to keep the nipple everted.
Sometimes, Maisam Fazel may suggest considering combining the procedure with a breast augmentation or fat transfer to the breasts to add volume to the breast tissue and thus to help support the nipple in remaining everted.
Correction of nipple inversion is done under local anaesthetic and takes 20 minutes to perform as a day case procedure.
Are inverted nipples a cause for concern?
Long standing inverted nipples, especially those that have been inverted since breast development, do not pose a concern though they can make breast feeding difficult. However, a newly inverted nipple can be a symptom of breast cancer and must be checked out by a breast specialist as quickly as possible.
Is it possible to breastfeed after inverted nipple correction surgery?
The milk ducts are usually separated or stretched during inverted nipple surgery to allow the nipple to evert so it can make breastfeeding difficult. However, many women with inverted nipples find breastfeeding challenging in the first place anyway.
What is the recovery like after inverted nipple correction surgery?
One can expect some mild discomfort in the first one to two days but that should be easily controlled by over-the-counter painkillers. Patients can resume normal activities and return to work after a few days.
Is there any scarring after inverted nipple correction?
Maisam Fazel will make a small incision in the base of the nipple, so it is well concealed once it heals.
Will nipple sensation be lost after inverted nipple correction?
While the nipple is healing, some sensation may be altered, but this usually returns over a period of months.